TL2025 – Bahrain Polytechnic


Under the patronage of H.E. Dr Mohamed Juma, Minister, of Education, Bahrain Polytechnic is organizing the 2nd edition of the Teaching and Learning Conference on 19th June 2025 at Bahrain Hall, Bahrain Polytechnic Campus, Isa Town, Kingdom of Bahrain

The Bahrain Polytechnic annual teaching and learning conference (TL2025) is an interdisciplinary forum, hosted by Bahrain Polytechnic, for the presentation of recent Teaching and Learning developments and applications. This year, the conference aims to explore the latest developments and innovations in applying artificial intelligence (AI) in education and is entitled:

Potential of AI to Replace Teachers’ Expertise: Ethics and Challenges

The AI landscape is changing very rapidly. The applications of AI can be witnessed in almost every aspect of human life. Education is no exception to this. However, as much as AI has the potential to serve as the best tool in learning and teaching for educators and students, it also has its challenges. This conference theme is centered to address the ethical considerations, practical strategies, and potential challenges associated with the integration of AI and AI tools into the classroom.

The focus of the conference is to facilitate coordinated developments and provide a platform for education-practitioners to meet and exchange their ideas and novel approaches to the challenges of a fast-moving world. The conference theme is centered on the application of AI in education taking into consideration societal and ethical impacts. There will be rigorous plenary talks by invited speakers as well as contributed talks. Workshops will be organized during the conference as practical sessions on the latest educational tools.

The objectives of the conference are to:


The topics covered, however not limited to, will include the followings:

Conference Schedule

Conference Schedule

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All timings show as Asia/Bahrain

Conference Schedule

Time Session Title
09:00 AM - 09:30 AM Registration and Networking
10:00 AM - 10:30 PM
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM Coffee break & Networking
11:30 AM - 12:50 PM
Session B1
Session A1
12:50 PM - 13:30 PM Lunch Break
13:30 PM - 14:50 PM
Session B2
Session A2
14:50 PM - 15:10 PM Coffee break & Networking
15:10 PM - 16:30 PM
Session B3
Session A3

All timings show as Asia/Bahrain

Module 4: Data Collections in Swift

4.1 Develop app with multiple screen layout

4.2 Understand app anatomy and life cycle

4.3 Manage data persistence

4.4 Develop animations

4.5 Manage online data and concurrency

4.6 Know how and when to use dynamic data

4.7 Use collection views and advanced compositional layouts

Keynote speakers

Dr. Fernando A. Senior

Fernando A. Senior. Ph.D.

Dr. Fernando Senior is a learning strategist and designer. His main ambition is to contribute to the development of expertise in individuals. For nearly forty years, he has collaborated with higher education institutions, industry, non-profit organizations, and government agencies in different regions of the world. He is the former president of the International Board of Standards for Training, Performance & Instruction, an organization that formulates professional standards for instructional designers, among others. He represents Quality Matters in the Latin American and the Caribbean region, an organization that promotes quality assurance in online & digital education. He holds a doctorate in Educational Psychology from the University of Illinois, a master's degree in Educational Technology from the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York, and a bachelor´s in psychology from the University of Puerto Rico in Mayaguez.
Fernando A. Senior. Ph.D. Dr. Fernando Senior is a learning strategist and designer. His main ambition is to contribute to the development of expertise in individuals. For nearly forty years, he has collaborated with higher education institutions, industry, non-profit organizations, and government agencies in different regions of the world. He is the former president of the International Board of Standards for Training, Performance & Instruction, an organization that formulates professional standards for instructional designers, among others. He represents Quality Matters in the Latin American and the Caribbean region, an organization that promotes quality assurance in online & digital education. He holds a doctorate in Educational Psychology from the University of Illinois, a master's degree in Educational Technology from the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York, and a bachelor´s in psychology from the University of Puerto Rico in Mayaguez.